The illogic of the Obama administration stopping the importation of Russian surplus 5.45×39 type ammo

The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives announces Russian surplus 5.45×39 type ammo is “armor piercing." From the Daily Caller:
According to information BATFE provided to NRA, these actions are based on BATFE’s determination that the availability of a handgun in this caliber triggers so-called “armor piercing” ammunition provisions of federal law, which generally prohibit manufacture and importation. . . .
The 5.45x39 is slightly narrower and a little longer than a .22 magnum.  If you want to see the illogic of banning the importation of the 5.45x39 compare it to the .44 magnum or the 38 special.

In inches 5.45 is about .21 inches, so that is less than half the diameter of the .44 inches magnum shell.  The 38 special is .359 inches in diameter.
The 39 millimeter length is 1.535 inches, while the .44 magnum is 1.61 inches (41 millimeters).  The .38 special is also slightly longer than the 5.45x39 -- it is 1.55 inches long.


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