Red Maryland Radio: 4/24/2014

It wasnother big episode of  Red Maryland Radio comes at you tonight on the Red Maryland Network, as we celebrate Greg, Mark, and I all being in the same place at the same time.

New Politics Conservative Podcasts with redmaryland on BlogTalkRadio

On tonight's show:
  • I wrote a piece about Heather Mizeur you might of heard about. We discuss;
  • There's a new poll out in the Governor's race;
  • We'll talk about political direct mail and how it's a window into the strengths and weaknesses of a particular candidate;
  • A discsussion about the new piece by Richard Cross on the Two MDGOPs.
  • And a preview of this weekend's State Party Convention, from which we will broadcast on Friday night.
This is why you can't afford to miss Red Maryland Radio each and every Thursday night at 8, on the Red Maryland Network.......and don't forget that you can subscribe to the Red Maryland Network on iTunes and on Stitcher.


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