Re-elect Delegate Justin Ready
When Red Maryland first started making endorsements four years ago, one of the candidates we endorsed was a challenger in House District 5A named Justin Ready. At the time, we wrote:
If there is one thing that best defines Justin Ready, it's his ideological consistency. Justin Ready is a conservative's conservative. he is for reforming education spending so that we actually educate students instead of grow bureaucracies. He's a strong supporter of both the Right to Life as well as our Second Amendment rights. Justin believes in legitimate health care reform that will allow portability of coverage and real reductions in health care costs while increasing the availability of coverage. And like all of our Republican members of the General Assembly in Annapolis should believe, Justin Ready supports cutting wasteful spending, and providing meaningful tax relief to Maryland's middle and working class families.
I'd say that we nailed that one.
During his first four years in Annapolis, Delegate Ready has been at the forefront of fighting for all of those things, a leading voice on issues protecting the Right to Life, gun rights, wasteful spending and tax relief. Justin has been one of the champions on our side in Annapolis. Has he been perfect, no. He did vote for the Obamacare enabling legislation in 2011, but he faced his crtitics (including us) with aplomb and calmly explained his rationale. While we didn't agree with his decision, it is hardly a reason not to return him to office next year.
Justin's voting record in Annapolis has been so conservative, that some of his opponents in the wild, nine-candidate primary are finding strange ways to attack him. Former Delegate Carmen Amedori (who has had a quixotic political career to say the least) went so far as to say that Ready and other conservatives " delegates turned their backs on education, in an effort to show they are "conservative" as it relates to the controversial email from Senator Getty regarding pork-barrel funding for Carroll County.
If Delegate Ready's opponents find the only thing they can attack him on is his committment to fiscal responsibiltiy, that says a lot about Delegate Ready.
In our 2010 endorsement, we stated that "we believe JustinReady is best suited to represent the interests of the people of Carroll County, as well as the interests of all of Maryland's families." We still do. Red Maryland strongly endorses the re-election of Delegate Justin Ready in District 5.
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