
Showing posts from April, 2014

Video Indigenous Youths Collective Resistance 'Reject and Protect' from Keystone!

. Published on Apr 29, 2014 Indigenous youth and leaders from the Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe, the Ponca Nation, and the Athabasca Chipewyan First Nation speak to their visions and their work. From connecting with the land, to replanting sacred corn, to building energy sovereignty. Their collective resistance to the Keystone XL Pipeline and the Tarsands brought them all together at the

Red Maryland May Poll

The Red Maryland May Poll is open until Wednesday, May 7th at 9 PM. If you are new to our polls, welcome! Please be sure to check out our work  on our blog  and the  Red Maryland Network . Create your free online surveys with SurveyMonkey , the world's leading questionnaire tool.

John Kane, Mohawk: 'No Honor Among Chiefs or Thieves'

No Honor Among Chiefs or Thieves By John Karhiio Kane, Mohawk Censored News I have to begin my column this week by stating up front that I am Haudenosaunee. I support traditional governance based on the Kaianerehkowa and a culture grounded with the Ohenton Karihwatehkwen (Words Before All Else) and the Tiohateh (the Two Row Wampum). I must emphasize that it is traditional governance I

الكتابة في زمن الخوف

صحيفة السبيل الأردنيه الخميس 2  رجب  1435 –  1 مايو 2014 الكتابة في زمن الخوف – فهمي هويدي الكتابة في زمن الخوف عملية مكلفة لابد لها من ثمن. وقبل أن أعرض بعضا من خبرتي في الموضوع أنبه إلى أنني أعني بزمن الخوف ذلك الزمن الذي يضيق فيه هامش الحريات ويتراجع القانون أمام تعاظم دور الأجهزة الأمنية. ويقدم الولاء للنظام على الولاء للقارئ والمجتمع.  ثم إنني لا أتحدث عن أي كتابة، لأن كتابة الموالين والمدَّاحين مرحب بها ووحدها تعد «النقد البناء»، وأصحابها هم أهل الحظوة والثقة الذين يكافأون ولا يغرمون. كما أنني لا أتحدث عن الكتابة المعارضة لأن الذي يعارض في بلادنا يعرف مقدما أن معارضته ليست مجانية. تماما كالذي يشارك في مظاهرة لا يشفع له أن تكون سلمية. ذلك أن الخروج بحد ذاته مغامرة ليست مأمونة العاقبة. ما أعنيه كتابة سقفها أكثر تواضعا، هو تلك المهنية والاحترافية التي تحترم الحقيقة ولا تمانع في النزول إلى حدها الأدنى لكنها ترفض المشاركة في الكذب والتدليس وخداع القارئ.  إن شئت فقل إنها تلك التي تلتزم بالحياد والاستقلال و...

More Than Just a "Bathroom Bill"

Yesterday, , led by Delegate Neil Parrott, and Delegate Kathy Szeliga announced a petition drive to put the "Fairness for All Marylanders Act" on this fall's ballot .  The legislation, commonly referred to as the "Bathroom Bill", would radically redefine, in reality undefine, gender in Maryland. While everyone should sign this petition, my wife and I did so before I wrote this piece, much of the rhetoric around this legislation has failed to alert the public to the enormously radical nature of this bill.  While the concern that hairy men will put on dresses and walk in on our wives and daughters in public bathrooms may be justified, it diminishes the true social and cultural impact of this new law. The "Bathroom Bill" changed Maryland law, millenia of human experience, religious tradition, and biology itself by defining gender as follows: “GENDER IDENTITY” MEANS THE GENDER–RELATED IDENTITY, APPEARANCE, EXPRESSION, OR BEHAVIOR OF A PERSO...

Re-elect Delegate Justin Ready

When Red Maryland first started making endorsements four years ago,  one of the candidates we endorsed was a challenger in House District 5A named Justin Ready . At the time, we wrote: If there is one thing that best defines Justin  Ready , it's his ideological consistency. Justin  Ready  is a conservative's conservative. he is for reforming education spending so that we actually educate students instead of grow bureaucracies. He's a strong supporter of both the Right to Life as well as our Second Amendment rights. Justin believes in legitimate health care reform that will allow portability of coverage and real reductions in health care costs while increasing the availability of coverage. And like all of our Republican members of the General Assembly in Annapolis should believe, Justin  Ready  supports cutting wasteful spending, and providing meaningful tax relief to Maryland's middle and working class families. I'd say that we nailed that one. During his f...

lavender + linen= calm

 Oh lavender! I love how your scent soothes and brings calm to any storm. I've been keeping one of my lavender sachets close by for the last 9 days as I shouldered the stress of a broken down computer. There are far worse things in the world to lose, but mine is an extension of all that I do here and beyond. I had knocked over a glass of water and a quick river rushed towards my Macbook Pro. Snatching it up instantly and wiping it down, did not prevent it from becoming inoperable. I'm telling you this, in case I might prevent at least one other person from this very expensive mishap. Needless to say, there will be no beverages anywhere near my computer EVER again. As of last night, I'm back in action, thanks to the help of my amazing boy, who is becoming quite the computer technician. He's built three (might even be four) PCs  and now has successfully transferred my original hard drive to a new Mac... all in the last month. Instagram covered it last night. Proud mama he...

Happy 20th, Rural Studio!

It was 1994 when Samuel Mockbee and D.K. Ruth started Auburn University's Rural Studio , an undergraduate design/build program in Western Alabama. Since then the participating third- and fifth-year students have designed and built innumerable houses and community projects for the residents of Hale County, Alabama, in the process becoming a model for other university design/build programs in the United States and other countries. In conjunction with Rural Studio's anniversary, photographer Timothy Hursley "fired up the Alabama silo" last Friday: [Photograph courtesy of Timothy Hursley. For more on the silo, watch " SoLost: The Beauty of a Broken Silo ."] This two-decade milestone also sees the publication of Rural Studio at Twenty , by current director Andrew Freear , Elena Barthel, Andrea Oppenheimer Dean, who penned the first two PAPress books on Rural Studio, and Hursley, who shot the studio's projects for all three books. A review of Rural Studio a...

Let's Bee Social #18

Welcome to this week's social linky party! I am about bursting at the seams! Not too much that I can share with you today....  BUT Tomorrow.... I have a BIG announcement! For now.... Here's a Sneak Peek! Pssst!  Wanna let you in on another little secret... Janeen van Niekerk of Quilt Art Designs is hosting a giveaway today! In celebration of the launch of her new website, Quilt Art Designs Publishing .  This new site features Paper Piecing 1/4" , a digital paper piecing magazine, dedicated to modern paper piecing. A talented pattern designer, Janeen has been selling her e-books on Craftsy for quite some time now.  This magazine will allow you to subscribe to receive her e-zine on a quarterly basis or to purchase a single issue at a time. Janeen is giving away copies of her latest issue to two lucky winners! Don't delay...  enter the GREAT GIVEAWAY! NOW.... What's new with you? I am sew looking forward to visiting with all my quilting friends! Show me what you g...

ليس كلاما مرسلا

صحيفة السبيل الأردنيه الأربعاء 1 رجب  1435 –  30 أبريل  2014 ليس كلاما مرسلا – فهمي هويدي لدينا مشكلة في التعرف على معلومات ضحايا الثورة المصرية في عام 2011 والمراحل التي اعقبتها، خصوصا مرحلة ما بعد 3 يوليو 2014 التي سقط فيها العدد الأكبر من الضحايا. ولولا الجهود التي بذلها العاملون في المراكز الحقوقية المستقلة من الشبان والفتيات الشرفاء والشجعان، لظل الملف مغلقا تماما ومسكونا بالغموض ومحاطا بالأسئلة الحائرة. وربما يذكر البعض انني نشرت في هذا المكان يوم الخميس الماضي، نصا كان عنوانه « نداء من وراء القضبان »، أوردت فيه بعض المعلومات المتعلقة بهويات المعتقلين من مهنيين وطلاب ونساء وأطفال ومرضى. وقلت ان هذه معلومات تلقيتها في بريدي الإلكتروني وتحتاج إلى تحقيق واختبار لانني لا أملك وسيلة للتثبت من صحتها، وتمنيت ان تقوم المراكز الحقوقية المستقلة بتلك المهمة . هذا الكلام أحدث أصداء متعددة. إذ أثار امتعاض البعض، واستنفر آخرين ممن يوصفون في الخطاب العامي المصري بأن «على رأسهم بطحة» إذ سارعوا إلى التشكيك فيها والغمز في دوا...

The Silly Season

In the middle of serious campaigns about serious issues, sometimes we get stuff like......this. On last week's Red Maryland Radio we talked about candidate mailers and how they are a peek into the soul of a campaign. One of the mentions we mentioned was that of Gus Kurtz, candidate for Delegate in District 31B, who included copies of his voter registration cards on his lit piece. The rumor mill had been swirling that he had recently been a registered Democrat, so the idea that he would incldue this information on his lit piece gave creddence to the concerns about this rumor. Well apparently there was more to it than just that, because the lit piece apparently became a full-blown kerfluffle thanks to one of his opponents, Meagan Simonaire: In April 2012 and November 2013 - the issue dates of the cards - Kurtz was a registered Republican, according to the State Board of Elections.     He was also a Republican from 1982 until 2002. But from 2002 to April 20, 2012, he was register...

Deux Folies

Earlier today I received an email from Lesétablissements Tourneux in regards to their Lieu-Dit le Temple , a wooden temple in the archeological part of Bliesbruck, France. It's an appealing construction in the vein of the folly in the landscape. It has a strong presence at night, and it begs to be climbed. But it's a far cry from their Astronef, a rocket-like construction in the castle Malbrouck à Manderen. But what at first glance looks like a goof and arbitrary piece meant to shock... very carefully placed, especially when seen from a distance: And like the wooden folly, the rocket is a means of experiencing the landscape, in this case via a periscope. It's hard to see each design coming from the same studio, but each folly is playful in its own way.

Maryland General Assembly Approved $16 Million in New Pork Spending for Local Projects

The Maryland General Assembly approved $16 million in new debt for 156 local pork projects during the 2014 legislative session. Known in Annapolis as bond bills, they are submitted by legislators, but are not voted on individually by the assembly, rather they are added to the capital budget via the amendment process.   The projects are funded through general obligation bonds authorized in the Maryland Consolidated Capital Bond Loan 0f 2014, which totaled $1.2 billion. New Bond Bill Authorizations 2014 by Mark Newgent According to the 2014 90 Day Report , Montgomery County led all jurisdictions with $2.5 million in bond bill funding for items such as $300,000 for renovations of The Writers Center at Glen Echo Park, and $100,000 for repair and renovations of the Black Box Theater. Baltimore City and Prince George’s County received $2.4 and $2.3 million in new local bond bill funding.   Local Bond Bill Spending 2014 Session by Mark Newgent Funding for new local bond projects ...