How does the rotator cuff fail?
The most common type of rotator cuff tear is a failure of the tendon attachment to the tuberosity. The most common location for this tear is at the anterior aspect of the supraspinatus tendon near the biceps tendon. Details on the patterns of rotator cuff failure can be seen here. The usual mechanism of injury of the rotator cuff is when an unexpected load is applied to the arm, such as a fall or a sudden lift with the arm away from the body. These mechanisms are explained in some detail here.
A number of factors have been identified that increase the risk of rotator cuff tearing, including advanced age, smoking, anabolic steroids, and steroid (cortisone) injections. While it takes a major force to tear the tendon of a young healthy shoulder, the rotator cuff of a shoulder with the risk factors may fail without any noticeable injury. Thus it is useful to distinguish cuff tear (i.e. a traumatic injury) from cuff wear (i.e. failure without an injury) in that this distinction has major implications in selecting treatment.
The types and severity of rotator cuff tears varies widely as shown here.
Interestingly and importantly a high percentage of cuff tears are asymptomatic.
While it used to be said that cuff tears were caused by 'impingement', the evidence does not support this etiology.
See more of the Rotator Cuff Book here.
A number of factors have been identified that increase the risk of rotator cuff tearing, including advanced age, smoking, anabolic steroids, and steroid (cortisone) injections. While it takes a major force to tear the tendon of a young healthy shoulder, the rotator cuff of a shoulder with the risk factors may fail without any noticeable injury. Thus it is useful to distinguish cuff tear (i.e. a traumatic injury) from cuff wear (i.e. failure without an injury) in that this distinction has major implications in selecting treatment.
The types and severity of rotator cuff tears varies widely as shown here.
Interestingly and importantly a high percentage of cuff tears are asymptomatic.
While it used to be said that cuff tears were caused by 'impingement', the evidence does not support this etiology.
See more of the Rotator Cuff Book here.
**Check out the new Shoulder Arthritis Book - click here.**
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You may be interested in some of our most visited web pages including:shoulder arthritis, total shoulder, ream and run, reverse total shoulder, CTA arthroplasty, and rotator cuff surgery as well as the 'ream and run essentials'
You may be interested in some of our most visited web pages including:shoulder arthritis, total shoulder, ream and run, reverse total shoulder, CTA arthroplasty, and rotator cuff surgery as well as the 'ream and run essentials'
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