Failure of healing of cuff repair and its effect on the clinical outcome
There is substantial evidence that many cuff repair surgeries fail to achieve durable reattachment of the tendon to bone. Interestingly many of the shoulders having failed cuff repairs are improved after surgery making us wonder if a smooth and move surgery might have achieved a similar result in these cases without putting the patient through the additional risk, cost and period of inactivity associated with a cuff repair attempt.
A high percentage of cuff tears are asymptomatic.
Discordance between anatomical and clinical results in rotator cuff repair
Rotator cuff repair - does healing of the tendon matter in the clinical result?
Small supraspinatus tears repaired by arthroscopy: are clinical results influenced by the integrity of the cuff after two years? Functional and anatomic results of forty-six consecutive cases. JSES
Failure With Continuity in Rotator Cuff Repair "Healing"
Pattern and time phase of shoulder function and power recovery after arthroscopic rotator cuff repair. JSES
A Comparison of Outcomes After Arthroscopic Repair of Partial Versus Small or Medium-Sized Full-Thickness Rotator Cuff Tears - JBJS
Does Open Repair of Anterosuperior Rotator Cuff Tear Prevent Muscular Atrophy and Fatty Infiltration? CORR
Rotator Cuff Integrity Correlates With Clinical and Functional Results at a Minimum 16 Years After Open Repair. CORR
Functional outcomes and structural integrity after double-pulley suture bridge rotator cuff repair using serial ultrasonographic examination JSES
Intraoperative Determinants of Rotator Cuff Repair Integrity
Rotator cuff repair - age and tear retraction
Failure with continuity in rotator cuff repair "healing"
Rotator cuff repair - post operative ultrasound
Rotator cuff repair outcomes
Failed Repairs of Large or Massive Rotator Cuff Tears
Failure of rotator cuff repair, when does it happen and what difference does it make?
Rotator cuff repair healing and clinical result of rotator cuff 'repair' - is there a relationship?
single row vs. double row rotator cuff repairs - a meta-analysis
Effect of rehabilitation
Single vs double row
Here are some of the articles of interest.
Failure "in continuity" - Rotator cuff papers at the 2011 closed meeting of the ASES - do cuff repairs work?
Failure "in continuity" - Rotator cuff papers at the 2011 closed meeting of the ASES - do cuff repairs work?
A high percentage of cuff tears are asymptomatic.
Discordance between anatomical and clinical results in rotator cuff repair
Small supraspinatus tears repaired by arthroscopy: are clinical results influenced by the integrity of the cuff after two years? Functional and anatomic results of forty-six consecutive cases. JSES
Failure With Continuity in Rotator Cuff Repair "Healing"
A Comparison of Outcomes After Arthroscopic Repair of Partial Versus Small or Medium-Sized Full-Thickness Rotator Cuff Tears - JBJS
Functional outcomes and structural integrity after double-pulley suture bridge rotator cuff repair using serial ultrasonographic examination JSES
Intraoperative Determinants of Rotator Cuff Repair Integrity
Failure with continuity in rotator cuff repair "healing"
Effect of rehabilitation
Single vs double row
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