"I Believe In His Promise" – At "Sismas," A Family Affair

In the annals of American Catholicism, and indeed beyond, the shot there is without any sort of known precedent: a deacon proclaiming the Gospel at his son's ordination as a bishop, the latter looking on from the background.

Today in San Angelo marked the third time a deacon's son has been raised to the episcopacy in the last five years. Unlike both instances before, though, this time the Reverend Dad was able to take part, and did... and his son now leads a diocese, to boot.

Sure, it might be far from the newfound rush of interest in near-Pope-bird-watching, etc... yet as a new reality keeps unfolding inside the walls, not even a sudden onslaught of cardinals could trump a moment like this.

* * *
The Man. The Myth. The Legend – for the last several years, the top prospect of a blossoming Texas Catholicism... and now, Aggies and Church beyond, at long last, here's today's post-ordination remarks from Deacon Ray's son, Bishop Mike Sis:

Apologies for the wide shot – at least on things like this, you've gotta work with what you're given.

On a host of fronts, this Monday's made for something extraordinary... and for the Lone Star Church beyond, it was just the beginning.

A two-fer without recent precedent, the "Texas Throne 'Em" series now begun is set to culminate on Wednesday in Fort Worth with the ordination of Bishop-elect Michael Olson, the 750,000-member fold's first priest ever to be called to the bench, let alone as the hometown boss.



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