20(14) Publisher Stories: Parainmigrantes migrates to new heights

As part of our ‘20(14) publisher stories’ blog series, every Monday we’ll introduce you to a publisher and share their success story. Read on to meet this week’s featured publisher, and feel free to share your own success story with us.

Lawyer Vicente José Marín created Parainmigrantes.info in 2007 to advise immigrants in Spain on immigration law. The site gives transparent and accessible information and currently receives over 500,000 page views per month.

Vicente first heard about Google AdSense when attending a web optimization course and began using it immediately. “It’s such a simple and easy to use tool, and on top of that it’s free”, he says. Nowadays, AdSense is an essential part of his business, that’s allowed him to hire two new employees. With these earnings, he’s been able to grow his team hiring two new people.

(You can enable English captions by using the captions button under the YouTube video)

Looking ahead, Vicente plans to promote his new site, Paraemigrantes.com, aimed at those requiring information on emigrating from Spain. He also plans to continue investing in the quality of his site content and to focus on constant innovation, all the while continuing to partner with Google. 

Read the full story here.

Posted by Alicia Escriba - Inside AdSense Team
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