Here's a few tidbits for your weekend:
*More copies of Reinvention have finally arrived and our available in my shop. There's a Mother's Day Sale going on and they are 10% off through Sunday.
*My friend, Casey, introduced me to Kale Caesar salads and life may never be the same! Toss raw, deveined and massaged kale with dressing and a spoonful of capers. Dressing: puree olive oil, lemon juice, parmesan cheese and a few anchovies together. Bliss... if these are your flavor friends.
*This week's question from Inquiry Cards is perfect, as usual! I have the deck and consult them frequently.
If you are a mama... hug your beauties tight- how lucky we are! If you have a mama and can hug her, do so! You are blessed. If this is a weekend that makes you ache- hug yourself tenderly, lovingly, and graciously. I'm sending you all a healthy dose of love this weekend!
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