
Hi friends and happy Friday! How did another week fly by so quickly? In the last few summers my focus often shifts away from my blog and towards the immediacy of Instagram. Well, it's not even June yet... but I believe that's already happening for me. See above pics (all eventually made it to instagram first). I've been buzzing over there, and on the quiet side here. When there's a little lull in these parts, it doesn't mean the fun has stopped! So, for now... please do join me in the great conversations that happen on instagram.  Follow @mayamade

Here's a few tidbits for your weekend:

*More copies of Reinvention have finally arrived and our available in my shop. There's a Mother's Day Sale going on and they are 10% off through Sunday.

*My friend, Casey, introduced me to Kale Caesar salads and life may never be the same!  Toss raw, deveined and massaged kale with dressing and a spoonful of capers. Dressing: puree olive oil, lemon juice, parmesan cheese and a few anchovies together. Bliss... if these are your flavor friends.

*This week's question from Inquiry Cards is perfect, as usual! I have the deck and consult them frequently.

If you are a mama... hug your beauties tight- how lucky we are! If you have a mama and can hug her, do so! You are blessed. If this is a weekend that makes you ache- hug yourself tenderly, lovingly, and graciously. I'm sending you all a healthy dose of love this weekend!


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