A Year Ago, "A New Journey"

While most of the news-focus amid this first anniversary of B16's resignation focused on Tuesday's year since its announcement, it bears reminding that last 13 February saw the beginning of a public tidal-wave of reaction, as Papa Ratzinger led his final public liturgy in office (homily) and left St Peter's for the last time.

Of course, a year ago today was Ash Wednesday, so amid the sudden spike of emotion and history alike, at the last minute the rites were moved from their traditional station of Santa Sabina on the Avventine Hill to the Vatican, both to accommodate a much bigger crowd, and that the departing Pope could offer a final Mass in the Basilica.

Capped by an unplanned singing of the Tu Es Petrus which punctuated the moment, here, the film of the liturgy's close....



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