
Jason gets a Saturday every 3 weeks of some extra special time with the kids while I recover and prepare for the weekend night shift working.  I'm envious of the fun they get to have, but am so thankful for this time they get to nurture their relationship without my opinions and commentary.
 Last Saturday he took the kids to the Olathe Executive Airport to watch the plans take off and eat lunch. An added bonus for my non-planning (he calls it spontaneous) husband is that they were having an airshow.
 And yes, Gavin climbs on everything, always
Jason's grandfather loves to fly, Jason's dad loved to fly and used to take Jason to this same airport as a kid many Saturday mornings.  Jason loves planes and flying and has looked forward to the day when history could repeat itself and he could bring his kids to this very place.

The kids loved it.  Jason loved it.  I loved it, because the house was quiet for a couple hours and I got to sleep! Win, win, win.
I expect there will be many trips in the near future!


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