Taking selfies while twerking off the food baby
It's new words time for Oxford Dictionaries Online and that means lots of media coverage for the new(ish) words that have been added to the dictionary. This is one of those areas of language change that often gets a good press (unlike other changes which tend to cause snorts of derision the press).
Here, Oxford Dictionaries Blog explain some of their new words, while The Guardian picks a few of them up in this piece and The Daily Telegraph has a look too. Elsewhere, twerking - recently popularised by Miley Cyrus, but disputed by several commentators - gets a more in depth look. My personal favourite so far (probably because I have developed a summer one of these) is food baby, which is defined as "a protruding stomach caused by eating a large quantity of food and supposedly resembling that of a woman in the early stages of pregnancy". Excuse me while I go and twerk it off.
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