diablo 3 bot autobot milions gold per h

I greet you warmly,

Today I have the honor to offer you a way to make several million registered every day, offering a bot to diablo, footage and much more.

What really will get?

First My copyrights ready to use scripts for diablo for several different classes,
that you will kill the boss, collect gold and perform quest!
My character ekwipunkiem earns an average of 3.5 million gold
every day without me! Bot can even hunt for you!

Second About 20 minutes of film, which step by step you will learn how to create
 bots (scripts) for their own use in locations chosen by you!

Third You get my own program that will allow the level of the game, including on and off the bot.

4th You will receive an additional video that shows how and where farmić using gold find,
to earn 37k in 5 minutes which gives 444k an hour!

 5th Above all knows how to do this he would never complain about the lack of gold in diablo3!
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How does the BOT?

Bot killing bosses, collect gold from them, receives gold for quests and create new games forever.
Of course you can also create your own sequences, you described a few of my Feature that adds to the auction!

DO BOT is detectable?

Bot is virtually impossible to detect, because it simulates the natural movements of the mouse and does not integrate into the code of the game. Have already sold a set of 24 individuals over a month, each of them easily farm in diablo.

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For each.


 If you have a lvl 50-55 ~ you can use a bot to expienia, by night should knock 60 lvl for you, if you have a lower level, you can set it to a lower level of difficulty which will also be for you this worked. The film guide is step by step explained how to prepare their own sequences!

I HAVE LVL 60 At what level can I set the BOT?

It depends on the inventory, but the average figure, easily handle the hell, I am using
the bot to hell, and it generates income for me 3.5 million gold on the day.

Do I need special equipment?

Have items FIND GOLD rich, thanks to the monsters they throw out more gold.
On my other auctions, you can order this set!

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Why buy from YOU?

From the simple reason that the knowledge contained in the guide is invaluable and will serve you for life, and the advice contained in the materials of film will allow you to set the bot where you want, you can do it forever.
When buying ready-made sequences from other vendors do not have a guarantee that a day or two blizzard znerfuje some locations, and throw your money away!

I AM an amateur, I do not know I can manage.

Can you eat a whole bowl of soup? BRAVO! This means that the configuration can handle it, and create
sequence takes about 2 minutes! Even a layman can handle a computer.
Besides, you have my full support and you can count on my help!


Sequences, which offers in the auction are for resolution of 1920x1080,
But if you have another, there is no problem, the set that you send allow you to set the script under each Resolution!

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