Clothes I'm Thankful Are No Long In My Closet

Tomorrow is turkey day and I thought I would do a what I'm thankful for post. But not just any thankful post - oh no - I dug through my photo archives and picked out clothes I'm thankful are no longer in my closet. This could alternatively be titled "I'm Thankful I Don't Look Like That Anymore." Enjoy & Happy Thanksgiving!

Orange, pink, or Space Jam themed. I'm scared just thinking about having to wear those all over again. (see what I did there!)

Shirts with my crush on them
It was cute when it was a celebrity and I was 4. But it would be creepy with a real life crush as an adult.

Clothes whose names contain the word "sweat"
I was too young to dress like I just gave up.

Matching Outfits
I know these are kind of a thing now, but ones that are yellow, made of PJ material, and have teddy bears on them are not something I wish to find in my closet any time soon.

Somewhere out there, there is a dance crew missing there costumes.

Hemp jewelry/chokers
They had their time and that time is not now anymore.

All of this
There are no words to describe it.


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