Rock Another Day

Necessary things you need to get by in life: your wit, your sanity, and sometimes armor. You may not know it, but this outfit is armor. I know it's not the traditional kind with a breastplate and a helmet; it's just normal kind that people like me need everyday. I wore this look for thrifting and ended up in a crooked neighborhood, it made me so glad that I put on the toughest shirt I own that morning. (if an 80's hair band counts as tough) In some funny way, it was like my very own protection from the elements. I got by unharmed and basically unnoticed. Way to go, armor, you did your job well!

I thrifted, I survived, and I lived to blog about it. (Um, can that be my new catchphrase?)

Outfit details - Sweater, free (from my aunt) - Guns'n'Roses sweatshirt, $2 (thrifted) - Gingham top, free (garage sale) - Bodycon skirt, $2 (thrifted) - Tights, $5 (Wal-Mart) - Flats, $10 (Wal-Mart) - Red lipstick, 001 by Kate for Rimmel London


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