Decision Making

In life, its all about making decision.

Everyday you decides what you want to wear, what you want to eat, what you movie/ drama you want to watch, what you want to do for that day, etc..

Or during the days when you were younger, you went Primary School, deciding which who you want to make friends with, decide you want to get good grades then pass you PSLE, decides which Secondary School you want to go.

After you join Secondary School, you decide with curriculum activity (CCA) you want to join, or what subject you want to take etc.

Then the cycle goes again when you go to Polytechnic or Junior Collage or University..

After graduation, you decides what job you want to work as, where/ which company you want to join..

There I listed down most of the decision making you do in life, crucial and non-crucial ones.

Well, actually what I want to say is that, I sometimes really do hate making decision. I am indecisive when comes to the crucial decision making. Hmm.. maybe even the non-crucial one as well. Heh~

Many a time, I feel that I always make the wrong decision and makes me really regret when I looked back. Not to mention, I had also missed out chances that was given to me. Sigh~

Sometimes, I feel that my dad is a predictor. Or rather, I would say it in Chinese saying "不听老人言,吃亏在眼前。" Which means like "if you don't listen to the older gen, it will be at your disadvantage". Yeah.. I always don't listen to his advice, then it becomes my disadvantage. =/

Oh well.. Sorry for being such a nag today. Its just that I haven been putting thought into words in my blog for the longest time, so pardon me yah..


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