
Showing posts from June, 2014

I am

...slipping supplies into these pretty (and powerful) holders... that also carry a message for each of the lovely folks taking my classes this week at Squam Art Workshops . It was the most grounding prep work I've ever done. Stamping dozens of affirmations will do that for you. Now I am packing my studio to transport to the lake. This is my 8th time returning to those gorgeous woods and iconic docks. I already know that something will be forgotten and not all will be checked off my list before I get behind the wheel. I also know that everything I need, I will have. And that a magical week is ahead of me filled with old and new friends and plenty of magic. Want to come too? You can on instagram !


Yesterday blog reader Jeff Jordan commented: "Just curious, Jim--when are you gonna bust out a Gurney animation? I sense there's something in the works........." You guessed it, Jeff! Here's the first look at a series of animated films I've been working on called Clementoons. Clementoons gets its name from the main character Clement, a three-inch-tall cartoon person who is trying to find his way to Melville, the enchanted world where comic characters have come fully to life. Along the way he'll meet other characters living their lives among us in the real world. Not all are cute and friendly. I'll be premiering the first two episodes this Thursday at 8:00 a.m. Eastern time. I'll launch them here on the blog and on my YouTube channel. During the last six months, I've been carving out time from my other work in plein-air painting, illustration, writing, and lecturing to design and build the dozens of stop motion puppets required for this project. An...

Oh June!

The last week has been packed to the brim! End of the year stuff mixed with everything else. Squam Prep, sewing, writing, town parades (with my daughter in it!), Jazz Concerts (with my son soloing!), and the installation of the school art show (which is tonight)... and what has kept me mellow and happy throughout? Running. Yoga. I can't stop. It makes everything possible. Or at least makes me feel sane when everything possible is happening! I'm also surrounded by heavenly scents. Aromatherapy inside and out. From stuffing lavender sachets and sleepy owls (first pic), to the delicate perfume of wild dame's rocket that permeates the air on the country roads I travel. The busier life becomes the more important it feels to learn how to lean into the places of slow and connected time with my body and nature. This is may be a hectic time of year for you, too. What do you do to create space for yourself? Or perhaps I should also ask... what would you LIKE to do to create some ease...

How to write a query letter

If you want to write a book or a magazine article, it helps to write a query letter first. The query can be fairly short. You don't have to write the book or article, just describe it to the editor. One thing that helps me in writing a query letter is to follow this basic form, with just a sentence or two on each topic: 1. THE PROBLEM. Why is this book or article needed? What's the gap in the market? What's the story that hasn't been told yet? 2. THE SOLUTION. How will the piece I want to write address that need? What is my piece not  going to be? What other published works are similar or different?  3. THE SCOPE. How big is this thing, how long, how many pictures? How much is finished already? What is the look, feel, tone, or style? 4. THE MARKET. Who is this work for? How am I connected with the audience? How big is the market? The actual marketing and publicity will be a joint effort, but authors often know their market best. 5. THE DELIVERABLES. What am I going...

CG Short: Pinnipèdes

Two sleepy but irritable elephant seals try to take nap, but they get interrupted. This is the first 3D animated film by Victor Caire, who has a nice sense of timing. It's made with 3DSmax, Vray, Zbrush, and Krakatoa. ( Direct link to video ) Via CG Bros.