Obama's War on America is His Top Priority

By Alan Caruba We all know that the “sanctions” Obama has placed on a few of Putin’s pals thus far and those Obama wants the European Union to impose will have no affect whatever on Putin’s decision to annex the Crimea from Ukraine. One of Obama’s solutions to protect Ukraine’s sovereignty includes giving it a billion dollars because Russia has raised the price of the natural gas it sells to the Ukraine. This means Putin just made a billion while reacquiring Crimea. One way to bring Russia to its knees would be for Obama--if he could--to impose the same things he is doing in America on the Russian Federation: # Require Russia to adopt Obamacare. # Ban the mining and use of coal in Russia. # Do not allow any drilling on Russian publicly-held land. # Redefine the Russian work week to 30 hours. # Raise the Russian minimum wage. # Mandate overtime pay for Russian government workers. # Demand that Russia pay welfare benefits to its illegal immigrants. # Require Russia to enact the...