
Showing posts from October, 2013

What’s the best mobile solution for you?

Last week we looked at how to analyze your traffic to get an understanding of which platforms your audience is using to reach you. By comparing the content that your users are accessing via desktop, mobile, and tablet, you'll gain insights into which implementation will best suit your business. In today’s post, we’ll look at the three most common ways of doing this. We’ll explore building a responsively designed site, dynamic serving solutions, and lastly, a separate mobile site. Responsive Web Design (RWD): A responsively built site automatically rearranges and resizes content to fit the screen of any device used to access the site. This allows you to optimize the user experience across different devices - without needing to create redirects or make unique pages that cater to each platform. For the user, this means a smooth user journey, and for a content manager, it means content only needs to be updated once. From a developer viewpoint , RWD may require rebuilding your site fram...

The new commercial for Google's Chromebook is uh...well, it's definitely something

In the words of the immortal Rick James: "cocaine is a hell of a drug." What's with the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers appear in commercials recently, though? The commercial for that Samsung Galaxy Note smartwatch includes several clips from MMPR. I'm not complaining, however, because I fucking love Mighty Morphin Power Rangers . That was my shit when I was a kid, right up until Power Rangers: Turbo. I'm sorry, but a ten year old Power Ranger was just a bridge too far for me. I don't think they ever explained how his body changed into a full-size adult's when he morphed.

2 infusions d'Oolong de Lishan en vidéo

Le choix de la bouilloire se fait en fonction du thé qu'on infuse et comment on va l'infuser. Ici, je veux déguster mon Oolong de Lishan (2200 m) du printemps 2013 . C'est un Oolong de haute montagne peu oxydé et non torréfié. J'utilise un gaiwan en porcelaine de 13 cl, car ses grandes feuilles ont besoin d'une certaine place pour s'ouvrir. Quelle est la bouilloire qui lui correspond le mieux? Et pourquoi? 1. La taille A un petit gaiwan ou une petite théière, correspond une bouilloire de petite taille. C'est plus léger et donc facile à manier. Cela permet un meilleur contrôle du flux de l'eau chaude. 2. Le bec La forme du bec de la bouilloire détermine comment l'eau sortira. La vitesse peut se moduler avec notre geste et l'inclinaison, mais le flux sera plus ou moins facile à contrôler. Ainsi, les becs droits des 2 premières bouilloires en avant-plan permettent un flux rapide et direct. Le bec courbé de la tetsubin, au contraire, permet de très b...

Get the Creeps! (And May I help You...?)

The last day of October - might I send you a postcard to Halloween? " Isn't it weird? ", asked husband - who is a connoisseur of many things, but not of nature's wild life, " that today I still saw a swallow in the backyard?" Weird indeed - because it was a sweet little bat - fluttering in her inimitable soft-hectic loudless way through the twilight. Are you in the mood already? Or are you like the youngest son in Grimm's fairy tale: "Von einem, der auszog, das Fürchten zu lernen", "The Story of a Boy Who Went Forth to Learn Fear"? A father had two sons. The oldest one was clever and intelligent, and knew how to manage everything, but the youngest one was stupid and could neither understand nor learn anything. When people saw him, they said, "He will be a burden on his father!" Now when something had to be done, it was always the oldest son who had to do it. However, if the father asked him fetch anything when it was late, o...

Thundermist Lures is your October partner On The Rise

Congratulations to the team over at Thundermist Lures , our featured “On The Rise” partner for this month. Their channel and several of their videos are in the spotlight on the On The Rise homepage and the YouTube Spotlight channel today. Thundermist Lure Company’s team of professional anglers--Claudio, Ivo, and Phil--have been fishing for more than 40 years. Their combined wealth of knowledge makes them expert guides when it comes to fishing tackle and methods, not to mention fishing for different types of fish and in different types of water. Whether you’re new to the sport or you’re out there winning tournaments every weekend, the team’s weekly videos are bound to entertain and educate. So why not check out a few of their videos? You can see how they reel ‘em in with the Viper Spoon or learn some secrets and tips about catching catfish . Of course, you may want to start with figuring out the best fishing rod for your next catch before you hit the open water.   Here are a f...

Fortunately the Milk - a review

Gaiman, Neil. 2013. Fortunately, the Milk . New York: Harper Collins. With Mum out of town and the fridge out of milk, a boy and his sister await their father's return from the store with milk for breakfast.  After an interminably long wait, he comes homes and relates a most outlandish story (frequently interrupted by his son) explaining his lengthy absence.  Much occurred on his journey, but fortunately, he managed to save the milk.  Is it a true story? You decide. Something very long with a head on the end of it came over to us.  It was attached to a very large body, on the other side of the room. "Who are you?" it asked Professor Steg, "And why is your gorilla holding a transtemporally dislocated milk container?" "I am not a gorilla," I said.  "I am a human father." "The human is holding the milk in order to make these evil redecorating snot-bubbles go away and stop menacing this planet and us," said Professor Steg. The Diplodocu...

Love + Patience = Transformation = A Happy Dog

When I first discovered A.C.E. I was overwhelmed by the love and passion expressed in Fabienne's Diary and the amazing work being done. I was drawn to Fabienne and El Refugio as to a magnet. It was a year or more before I was able to go over and join in as a volunteer. In the meantime I decided to sponsor a dog. I pored over the 'Dogs for Adoption' trying to choose just one from so many darlings. After some long time I had a shortlist of about 50!  I looked again and again. But one dog had stood out for me because he looked so scared, so terrified. As though he was saying 'Please, please don't hit me.' I don't know his history, no one does, but judging by the poor fellow's expression it must have been horrible. When I finally got out to La Cala a year or maybe eighteen months later I was dying to see 'my' Enzio. However, the very first day I set foot in the Refugio was the day after the night of the terrible storm. The place was in chaos, knee de...


For the second year in row we made it to the apple orchard.  I did tone down the amount of apples I bought, and I have big plans for using the apples we did bring home.  This was on my must-do fall bucket list, and it didn't disappoint.   Both kids loved it and caught on quick. Of course, sampling the apples may have been this guy's favorite part, he loves food.  After the orchard and hay ride, we came back to apple cider donuts, apple cider and a fire pit to roast marshmallows.  While out on the hay ride we ran into a friend of mine from high school church.  I think I've only seen her once or twice since I went off to college.  She was with her sister and parents.  I love this.  I love that they have kept this tradition since she was a kid.  I hope I can instill in my children the importance of family tradition like my family and Jason's family taught us.  I hope that my children want to celebrate and cherish tradition like w...

Cognitive Dissonance of the Progress Narrative

Fancy title, eh? What we are told about where we are going does not compute in our brains. The American narrative is entrepreneurial. Business degrees are about the skills needed to get other people to do things for you with money derived from someone else. You don't do anything or make anything , you manage wealth creation. Those whose money you used expect you to sell out or strike it big on your own, with little middle ground available for such pedestrian ventures as a mildly useful product or, say, a store. This is what we're taught is success in this country. Success is also about online, about the future of all things, available now, cutting out the middle man for competitive, as close to zero profit margin products as humanly possible. Is tomorrow too late? How about now ? We are told we want it now, we want it cheap, and of course, we're told what we want, but that's another blog post. So that's the progress narrative, which leads many who inhabit their onl...

Petite théière Yixing

En fouillant dans mes armoires, j'ai trouvé une autre petite théière Yixing de forme plate à vendre: Poids: 89 grammes Contenance: 80 ml (8 cl) Glaise hungni dense (dure), cuite à haute température. Petit trou unique (pas de filtre interne, mais ce n'est pas nécessaire vu la petite circonférence du bec. Le couvercle a de longues parois internes et est étanche. (On peut couper son écoulement  fin et gracieux en bouchant le trou du bouton sur le couvercle). Convient aux Baozhongs, Oolongs de Wuyi ou aux puerhs crus. Etat neuf. Son prix en Euros est le dernier nombre à 2 chiffres (+ transport).

Augmentation de capital et réduction d’impôt avant le 31 décembre 2013 :

Comment bénéficier d’un dégrèvement de 20 % de l’IS ou de la cotisation minimale et d’un droit d’enregistrement fixe de 1.000 dhs avant la fin d’année ? Une société  peut bénéficier  de  la  réduction  d'impôt en  cas  d’augmentation de  capital prévue  par l’article 247-XX du Code Général des Impôts. Il faut rappeler que les dispositions de l’article 7-V  de la  loi  de  finances  n° 40-08  pour  l’année  budgétaire  2009  sont  prorogées jusqu’au 31 décembre 2013 pour les sociétés existantes au 1er janvier 2013 et qui : - procèdent à l’augmentation de leur capital social entre le 1er janvier 2013 et le 31 décembre 2013 inclus ; - ne  procèdent  pas  avant  l’augmentation  du  capital  à  une  réduction  de  ce capital depuis le 1er janvier 2012 ; - réalisent  un  chiffre  d’affaires  au  titre  de ...

Off-Brand LED Studio Monoblocs: Wouldya? (I Did.)

So you're used to using flashes without modeling lights. How about modeling lights without flashes? Yes? No? Maybe? My project for 2014 is video-based (no spoilers, please) so I found myself shopping for video lights in the form of LED monoblocs. If you've ever considered taking the plunge, read on... Read more »

Grand Hotel Heiligendamm: We had Putin's Suite (I think)

" Being determines consciousness " says the popular version of a quote by Karl Marx (the original is: " It is not the consciousness of men that determines their being but, on the contrary, their social being that determines their consciousness" ).  Well, who am I to question that - but humbly I annotate an observation of mine, where the opposite seemed to have happen - vice versa, so to speak:  Husband worked so long and intensely on his paper about LUXURY (of all people: him -- he is the most modest man I know...) that the topic might have crept in unnoticed.  Whatsoever: as compensation for my lovely narrow boat trip that I did on my own, he booked a 4 day-trip to the Grand Hotel in Heiligendamm . Five stars.  Yes - THE one. Where in 2007 the 33rd G8-summit took place - with Angela Merkel, Sarkozy, Putin, Prodi, Blair and so on.   As the stuff is absolutely discreet, I could only allure a hint of a nod when asking if we had Mr. Putin's suite - and maybe...

The scents of tea

One of the things that makes natural tea so fascinating is its smell. Each tea has its own. And there is no generic tea smell. And if you want to describe the smell of a particular tea, you'll end up using the scents of flowers, fruits, forests, meat, wood...! The scent of tea is particularly hard to grasp, because the essence of tea is to absorb the scents of its surroundings (soil, climate, neighboring plants...), its production process and its storage. There's so much we can tell from the smell of tea! And the impact of a scent on our brain is unlike any other sense: there's no secondary center in the brain to analyze the sense of smell. The scents engrave directly in our memory. That's why we access directly into our memory when we smell a particular fragrance. This experience can help us recall certain moments of our childhood, when, for the first time, we have encountered a smell for the first time. Sometimes, I struggle naming the smell of a tea. This was long th...