
Showing posts from May, 2013

Dealing with AO2 on ENGA3

ENGA3 is assessed using three AOs - 1,2 & 3 - but AO2 is the chunkiest of these on this paper, accounting for 40 of the 90 marks available. While you should still be using the close textual analysis skills you've been learning throughout the course (i.e. the linguistic labelling with clear examples for AO1 and the discussion of meanings, effects and representations created for AO3), it does mean that you need to think carefully about addressing the wider issues of change, variation and discourses that usually appear as part of the 2nd bullet point in each question. What exactly is AO2, though? The AQA spec says "AO2: demonstrate critical understanding of a range of concepts and issues related to the construction and analysis of meanings in spoken and written language". I've generally taken the first part of this as the most important, namely the concepts and issues part. In the top band for AO2, you can see what they're after each year from the non-italicised ...


       We ate our first strawberry today. And by "we" I mean, "I". And it was delicious! Today is Mother's Day. And it's May. A month when our kids' schedules are crazy - even according to them. I'm feeling spread a little thin and like I'd like my world to be a little smaller. And our family is in the season where our children's worlds are only getting bigger - and that is exactly right. So I am wishing for the blessing of a little balance and giving thanks always for the abundance in our days. Happy May! xo

Am a mother now

Sorry for the lack of updates... I'm trying to find time to blog about Dashiel's birth and to edit all the photos from that day but I've been so super busy with taking care of him. Luckily for me, Gillian recorded down the whole birth event for Guide to Life and produced my favourite episode so far... She actually went into the operating theatre with me!! So if you haven't already seen it, here it is: Hope this compensates a little for my lack of updates. I'll try to blog real soon, I know you guys are waiting for Dashiel's pictures and more home decor posts! *stressed* xoxo p/s: Please don't abandon me while I'm on what is technically a maternity leave.